Book cover and abstract illustrations were created for Ensimesmices -  a book with eighteen short stories that start from seemingly banal situations and events, but that put their protagonists - always anonymous, in surreal situations and trigger th


 Book cover and abstract illustrations were created for Ensimesmices -  a book with eighteen short stories that start from seemingly banal situations and events, but that put their protagonists - always anonymous, in surreal situations and trigger th

Book cover and abstract illustrations were created for Ensimesmices - a book with eighteen short stories that start from seemingly banal situations and events, but that put their protagonists - always anonymous, in surreal situations and trigger the torrent of uneasiness about how we see ourselves and our place in the world with moderate doses of lyricism and humor. Written by Paulo Zoppi.

 Ecdysis - Short Story by Paulo Zoppi and Illustration by Fichi

Ecdysis - Short Story by Paulo Zoppi and Illustration by Fichi

 Illustration for “Child's play”

Illustration for “Child's play”

 Illustration for “Catacomb”

Illustration for “Catacomb”

 Illustration for “Ashes”

Illustration for “Ashes”

 Illustration for “The last one”

Illustration for “The last one”